第十届大型强子对撞机物理年会(LHCP2022)将于2022年5月16日至21日在台湾台北举行。LHCP系列会议始于2013年,是“大型强子对撞机物理学会议”和“强子对撞机物理研讨会”两个国际会议的成功融合。该计划将详细回顾对撞机物理学的最新实验和理论结果,以及大型强子对撞机Run II(日内瓦欧洲核子研究中心LHC)的结果,并讨论高能粒子物理学界在理论和实验方面的进一步研究方向。会议的主要目标是在标准模型物理及其后、希格斯玻色子、超对称、重夸克物理和重离子物理等研究领域,在实验者和理论家之间进行激烈而生动的讨论,并分享高光度升级和未来对撞机发展的最新进展。
The tenth annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2022) conference will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from 16th to 21st May 2022. The LHCP conference series began in 2013 as a successful fusion of two international conferences, "Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Conference" and the "Hadron Collider Physics Symposium". The programme will contain a detailed review of the latest experimental and theoretical results on collider physics, with results of the Large Hadron Collider Run II (LHC at CERN, Geneva), and discussions on further research directions within the high energy particle physics community, both in theory and experiment. The main goal of the conference is to provide intense and lively discussions between experimenters and theorists in such research areas as the Standard Model Physics and Beyond, the Higgs Boson, Supersymmetry, Heavy Quark Physics and Heavy Ion Physics as well as to share recent progress in the high luminosity upgrades and future collider developments.