侯德富现为华中师范大学博雅学者,二级教授,博士生导师。主要从事有限温度量子场论及其应用和AdS/CFT及其应用的研究。在热密QCD,输运系数,夸克物质理论,色超导,致密天体,AdS/CFT与强耦合作QGP,CME/CVE等方面做出了一系列重要工作。在国内外权威期刊上发表学术论文140余篇,其中Phys. Rev. Lett. 3篇。侯德富教授主持完成多项国家自然基金为面上项目,主持国家自然科学基金委重点项目两项,曾参与承担国家基金委重大项目和科技部”973”项目。
2002—2004 德国Frankfurt大学理论物理所洪堡学者
2002.03—2002.06:美国Ohio State大学访问教授
1999—2002 加拿大Winnipeg大学和Brandon大学博士后
1996—1998 德国Regensburg大学物理论物理研究所博士后
1989-1993 武汉水运工程学院讲师
1.Yan-Qing ZhaoXin-Li ShengSi-Wen Li,Defu Hou,Holographic spin alignment of J/ψ meson in magnetized plasma,JHEP 08 (2024) 070
2.Junxia ChenDefu Hou, Hai-Cang Ren, Drag force and heavy quark potential in a rotating background, JHEP 03 (2024) 171
3.Yan-qing Zhao; Song He;Defu Hou;Li LI; Zhibing Li ; Phase diagram of holographic
thermal dense QCD matter with rotation, JHEP 04 (2023) 115 ,
4.Duan She; Anping Huang;Defu Hou;Jinfeng Liao ; Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics with
angular momentum, Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(22): 2265-2268
5.Hou, Defu;Lin, Shu; Polarization rotation of chiral fermions in vortical fluid, Physics Letters B, 2021, 818
6. Shu-Zhe Shi; Hui Zhang;Defu Hou;Jinfeng Liao ; Signatures of chiral magnetic effect in
the collisions of isobars, Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125(24): 0-242301
1. Defu Hou,Hui Liu,Hai-cang Ren, A Possible Higher Order Correction to the Vortical
Conductivity in a Gauge Field Plasma,Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 121703 86,2012.12.17,86 (2)
2. Hou, De-fu,Liu, Hui,Ren, Hai-cang, Some field theoretic issues regarding the chiral magnetic effect,Journal of High Energy Physics,2011.5.01 ,(5)
3. Chen, Xun; Zhang, Lin; Li, Danning;Hou, Defu;Huang, Mei,Gluodynamics and deconfinement phase transition under rotation from holography, The Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 07-132
4. Zi-qiang Zhang ,Defu Hou ,Hai-cang Ren,, The finite 't Hooft coupling correction on the jet quenching parameter in a N = 4 super Yang-Mills plasma,JHEP01(2013)032,2013.1.4,01:1~32
5. Feng, Bo;Hou, De-fu; Ren, Hai-cang; Wu, Ping-ping ; Single-Flavor Color Superconductivity in a Magnetic Field, Physical Review Letters, 2010, 105(4)
6. Zhang Hui;Hou Defu; Kojo Toru; Qin Bin ; Functional renormalization group study of the
quark-meson model with omega meson, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 2017, 96(11): 0-114029
7. I. Giannakis ,Defu Hou,Hai-cang Ren ,D. Rischke , Gauge field fluctuations and first-order phase transition in color superconductivity. ,Physical Review Letters,2004.01.01,93:1~4
8. M. Carrington,Defu Hou,R. Kobes, Shear viscosity in phi**4 theory from an extended ladder resummation.,Physical Review D Particles and Fields,2 000.01.01,62:025010
9. M. Carrington ,Defu Hou,M. Thoma , Equilibrium and nonequilibrium hard thermal loop resummation in the real time formalism,Eur. Physical Journal C,1999.01.01,7:347~354
10. T. Kojo,DF Hou, J. Okafor, H. Togashi, Phenomenological QCD equations of state for neutron star dynamics: Nuclear-2SC continuity and evolving effective couplings PRD 104 (2021) 063036