2008,中国科学院高能物理研究所 博士。
2011 –至今,华中师范大学,教授
2008-2011,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 探测器开发 博士后
2022年 华中师范大学“桂子学者”
2018年 “楚天科技之星”
2016年 “湖北省优秀青年骨干人才
1. Liu Yanliang; Gao Chaosong;andSun Xiangming*;Dynamic X-ray imaging with screen-printed perovskite CMOS array,Nature Communications | (2024) 15:1588
2. Qiangjun Chen;Quan Sun;andSun Xiangming*;A 14-Gb/s VCSEL Driver in 65-nm CMOS With a Power-Efficient Driving Structure for Particle Physics Experiments,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 70, NO. 6, JUNE 2023
3. C. Zhao;Q. Chen;andSun Xiangming*;A 14 Gbps VCSEL driving ASIC in 55 nm for NICA multi purpose detector project,2022 JINST 17 C08021
4. Li Zili; Feng Huanbo;Preliminary test of topmetal-II−sensor for X-ray polarization measurements,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1008 (2021) 165430
5. Li,Zili; Fan,Yan;andSun Xiangming*; A new method for directly locating single-event latchups using silicon pixel sensors in a gas detector,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 962 (2020) 163697
6. Ren, Weiping; Zhou, Wei; and Sun Xiangming* ; Topmetal-M: A novel pixel sensor for compact tracking applications,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 981 (2020) 164557
1. Liu Yanliang; Gao Chaosong;andSun Xiangming*; Dynamic X-ray imaging with screen-printed perovskite CMOSarray, Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1588)
2. Ren, Weiping; Zhou, Wei; and Sun Xiangming* ; Topmetal-M: A novel pixel sensor for compacttracking applications, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 981 (2020) 164557
3. Li Zili; Feng Huanbo;and Sun Xiangming* ; Preliminary test of topmetalII[formula omitted] sensor for X-ray polarization measurements, Nuclear Instruments and Methodsin Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,2021, 1008.
4. Li,Zili; Fan,Yan;andSun Xiangming*; A new method fordirectly locating single-event latchups using silicon pixel sensors in a gas detector, NuclearInst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2020, 962).
5. Ren, Weiping; Zhang, Dongliang;andSun Xiangming*; Design and initialcharacterization of MIC4, the monolithic active pixel sensor prototype for CEPC vertex detector,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 978